Bersih 4 in NL – 29 Aug 2015

29 Aug 2015- Writing from the Netherlands. We planned this event in just 2 days and it was a last minute decision. However, we managed to gather more than 43 people (excluding children) at the Malaysian Embassy at the Hague. If we have planned this earlier, I am confident that more will turn up, as there is definitely a solidarity of unhappiness on what is happening in Malaysia on the 1MDB scandals. We gathered at 2pm with our banners and flags, bravely putting them up at the Embassy to state out points, and managed to take some photos. However, we were asked to take them down a few minutes later by the local police, as we did not have permission to stage protests at the embassy. However, that did not stop us from marching on from the embassy to the Peace Palace, where we gathered and shared the concerns we have about our beloved country with each other. We brought water and snacks to share with each other and some nice curry puffs and egg tarts were passed around. The gathering was concluded at 4:30pm with a group photo at the Peace Palace and a singing of Negaraku for our beloved country, Malaysia.
We will continue to pray for our country!
Salam mesra from the Netherlands.